Medication List Chiropractic, Massage, Trigger Point Therapy, Salt Cave and more!Let us help you achieve your health goals! BOOK AN APPOINTMENT Leave this field blank DR. KELLY'S GROTTO1762 Newbridge RoadBellmore, NY 11710(516) 409-OO44Fax# 516'B04-3392 MEDICATION LIST Date Patient DOB ALLERGIES: (optional) Note: (optional) List all prescribes and over the counter medications, supplements, herbs, salves and ointments. Remember to update with start and stop date. If exact date is not known, enter approximate date or "(UNKNOWN". If no medications, please write NONE on top line.Doctor should document that list was reviewed. List 1: (optional) Date started Date stopped List 2: (optional) Date started Date stopped List 3: (optional) Date started Date stopped Send